
* How WiFi and other EMFs Cause Biological Harm (Dr. Martin Pall)

Pall’s extensive research over recent decades (some of his peer-reviewed studies on this subject are listed in the final two minutes of this presentation) shows that microwaves damage humans at levels far below present radiation limits, through mechanisms at the cellular level.

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Pall’s extensive research over recent decades (some of his peer-reviewed studies on this subject are listed in the final two minutes of this presentation) shows that: • Microwaves damage humans at levels far below present radiation limits, through mechanisms at the cellular level • These biological mechanisms can – completely or partially – be behind growing “unexplained illnesses” like sudden cardiac death, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue, weakened immune system, fibromyalgia, post-traumatic stress, and increased DNA breakage, etc. • The effects can in principle affect all multicellular animals, and is proven, for example, in mussels • You need neither New Age, tendentious science or conspiracy theories to justify this.

Cellular & Molecular Effects of EMFs (Dr. Martin Blank)

Overpowered: The Dangers of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMF) and What You Can Do about It”.  “As someone who does NOT carry a cell phone, Dr Martin Blank speaks on the subject of biological effects associated with EMFs.” – Riun

Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children (Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe)

“A strong voice on this subject with a very comprehensive understanding of EMR issues and concerns.” – Riun

“Perhaps the MOST CRITICAL aspect necessary to understand regarding your immune system, your gut/body microbiome and how it is altered by radio frequency radiation.  Neural Vitality Networks began to see this response in clients approximately 10 years  ago (~2014).  This was the beginning of a proliferation of mold sensitivity and gut, digestion and bowel issues” – Riun

Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (Olle Johansson)

“Concise and authoritative update on the risks, effects, lies and deceptions surrounding electromagnetic radiation exposure. An invitation to anyone to do their own research” – Riun

Smart Meters & EMR: Health Crisis Of Our Time (Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt)

“Brilliant presentation on topics all addressed with an EMR assessment – well worth the time to watch.” – Riun

Cell Tower Microwave Radiation (Magda Havas)

“Cell tower impact on a mother and daughter as well as issues and concerns that have arisen by the firemen as a result of cell tower installations on fire stations” – Riun

Beyond Coincidence – Part 1 The Perils of Electrical Pollution (Dave Stetzer)

“One of the best presentation on the effects of extremely low frequency fields associated with the electrical grid. This is a MUST-see.” – Riun

Beyond Coincidence – Part 2 The Perils of Electrical Pollution (Dave Stetzer)

“One of the best presentations on the effects of low frequency fields associated with the electrical grid. This is a MUST-see.” – Riun

Geopathic Stress Documentary (Siobhan Croke)

“Excellent research on the effects of both geopathic stress and EMF and their relationship to our biology – perspectives from both a master dowser and scientists. Pay particular attention to the 32:05 min mark of the video, an architect in ~1885 designed castles to mitigate geopathic stress lines – THIS IS what occurs with the remediation method I apply” – Riun

“An excellent motivator to investigate the benefits of earthing – my only caution is that it is misleading on the issue of whether or not to ground your earthing device through the utility ground/wall outlet – especially in the presence of an elevated electric field DO NOT DO THIS – CONTACT CURRENT WILL OCCUR.” – Riun

Dirty Electricity Explained (Magda Havas)

“An important piece to be aware of and to assess. Solar panel inverters, switch mode power supplies (SMPS), dimmer switches, transformers, variable speed motors, all fluorescent lighting and various other sources contribute to the generation of these frequencies.” – Riun

Perils and Problems with Dirty Electricity Filters: What to be Aware Of! (Michael Neuert)

“An excellent presentation on understanding dirty electricity filters and the effects to be aware of.” -Riun

The Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation on Human Health (Camilla Rees)

“Camilla Rees, MBA, explaining in clear concise layman’s terms, with compelling PowerPoint slides, the science and solutions for creating safe havens in a toxic, electromagnetic world.” – Riun

Curing Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Root Canal Removal (Dr. Rice)

“A must-watch that ties into the work of Dr. Rice on root canals and the work of Dr Tennant between relationships to body circuits and health.” – Riun

“An excellent presentation on understanding dirty electricity filters and the effects to be aware of.” -Riun

“What can I say about this man, Dave Stetzer is a true pioneer in the field of Dirty Electricity – thanks to EMF Remedy (Keith Cutter) for this excellent interview.” – Riun

“I believe Andrew McAfee has done the greatest service to the entire EMF research community by tirelessly bringing complex subjects and critical issues to awareness and in a manner that is comprehensible – everyone should check out his website – thank you Andrew!” – Riun